Acts of Kindness

After a long shift of traffic control, one of our traffic control persons was driving home in Victoria, BC when she came upon a single car motor vehicle accident. At the site of a bottleneck bridge, on the other side, was a work service vehicle that had flipped over onto its side with the airbags deployed. RCMP were on scene already when she arrived. She spotted the officer and drove over slowly asking “is everything okay?” The office responded with “Yeah, do you want to do some light traffic control?” She thought to herself a moment and decided immediately that she would put on her high visibility vest, set up her truck, cones, take out her paddle and start directing traffic out of harms way. So she closed the road down and advised the approaching traffic of the situation while safely redirecting traffic for 45 mins. That’s when a tow truck arrived to assist the flipped vehicle and finish clearing the scene. Thankfully, no one was injured. Acts of kindness are not something that everyone does so easily. We are proud to have professionals on our team as examples of an outstanding Samaritans and employees.