Pros and Cons of using an Automated Flagger Assisted Device (AFAD)
Oct 6, 2022

The Pros of using AFAD’s come when the work requires Single Lane Alternating Traffic (SLAT). Usually you would need 2 TCP’s, one on each end of the work zone to control traffic through the one open lane.
AFAD’s accomplish the same thing with the following benefits:
- Using AFAF’s are the preferred and recommended method as per MOTI Regulations
- the TCP is not directly exposed to traffic (they stand out of the way and operate it remotely)
- the TCP is not directly exposed to the elements (heat, cold, rain…) this limits the chances for ergonomic and environmental condition related injuries which means less work site related incidents and WSBC claims
- the ability to have 1 Traffic Control Person (TCP) control the zone allows for reduced worker numbers on site and lessons the requirements for first aid, emergency transport vehicle (ETV) provisions and/or first aid dressing stations.
Cost Savings:
- reduced number of TCPs means less cost for labour… and if in a situation where more TCPs would mean first aid, ETV’s, dressing stations, then the savings compound.
- the HD cameras provide a record for traffic, safety, criminal and negligent acts…. This is a big benefit should an unfortunate incident occur.
- Well we searched for some but we just couldn’t find any.